Centrefeed Paper Towel

The invention of paper towels was the result of a incidental incident.In 1907, an outbreak occurred in Philadelphia (USA), resulting in the need for disposable towels. It was started to be produced as a result of the need for disposable paper in small sheets, which was the idea of a classroom teacher. We deliver to the paper towel, which has started to be produced in line with the needs, to the cultural and environmental changes it has undergon until today, to the final consumers with new innovations as Koçal Paper.

The Importance of Paper Towels

The Importance of Paper Towels

Hand Dryers and Health Risks

Paper One Show 2024

Paper One Show 2024

Paper One Show Abu Dhabi

Koçal Kağıt and Paper One Show

Koçal Kağıt and Paper One Show

Paper One Show Exhibition